The feast of St. Sophrony the Athonite in Korea

The memory of St. Sophrony the Athonite was celebrated for the first time in Korea, after his canonization, with special emotion and spiritual joy.

In the Great Vespers and in the Orthros of the feast we sang from the Holy Service (first draft), which was sent to us very kindly by the Patriarchal Stavropegic Monastery of St. John the Baptist, Essex shortly before the feast, and we reprinted the Holy Icon of the St. Sophrony which was also sent to us electronically from the Holy Monastery.

St. Sophrony is slowly becoming known in Korea after the publication of his work for St. Silouan the Athonite through our “Korean Orthodox Editions”.

May the Orthodox Church in Korea become better known through the intercessions of both of these great modern Saints.